Package org.logicalcobwebs.asm.util

Provides some ASM class visitors that can be useful for programming and debugging purposes.


Class Summary
CheckClassAdapter A ClssAdapter that checks that its methods are properly used.
CheckCodeAdapter A CodeAdapter that checks that its methods are properly used.
DumpClassVisitor A PrintClassVisitor that prints the ASM code that generates the classes it visits.
DumpCodeVisitor A PrintCodeVisitor that prints the ASM code that generates the code it visits.
PrintClassVisitor An abstract class visitor that prints the classes it visits.
PrintCodeVisitor An abstract code visitor that prints the code it visits.
TraceClassVisitor A PrintClassVisitor that prints a disassembled view of the classes it visits.
TraceCodeVisitor A PrintCodeVisitor that prints a disassembled view of the code it visits.

Package org.logicalcobwebs.asm.util Description

Provides some ASM class visitors that can be useful for programming and debugging purposes. These class visitors are normally not used by applications at runtime. This is why they are bundled in an optional asm-util.jar library that is separated from (but requires) the asm.jar library, which contains the core ASM framework.

ASM 1.3.2